Browse Desktop Application Portfolio
Teddy DAO
Teddy DAO is a community governed set of smart contracts. CurrentlyBear Mail is a generating and paying revenue to the Teddy DAO token hodlers. This system can grow and evolve with more dapps to be added per DAO governance.
Teddy Coin
Teddy Coin or T₵ is an experimental blockchain that is closely modeled to Bitcoin or Doge. It is written in Node.js and requires a list of IP addresses to properly run the cryptographic Proof of Work mechanism. This was developed for my own educational intrests.
This is a tower defense (TD) strategy game where users naturally learn about cybersecurity concepts as they play in different game modes.
Developed with Unity via Evolutionary Computing Systems Lab (ECSL) at University of Nevada-Reno
Chess Engine
Play against an AI that has been trained using a genetic algorithm
One may edit genes at runtime, and even view a heatmap of the chess board in realtime
Multidirectional Color Gradient
In pursuit of a heat map algorithm for my chess engine, I stumbled onto this and decided to dev it a bit. One can generate abstract looking art very simply, great for high-res procedurally generated wallpaper
Polygon Builder
Version v0.0.6
Build Polygons and load them up in libGDX.
This comes with the dev tool. It also comes with a small parser (as a Java class) that builds the program's output into polygons.
Procedural Terrain Generation
Version v0.0.1
Generates Terrain by generating a mesh from an optimized Perlin Noise algorithm that is sent through an OpenGL shader program. Run software simply from any eclipse project.
The Madlebrot Set
Version v0.0.1
In this lagging program, zoom, pan and view the madlebrot set being updated and rendered in realtime.
Under The Petri Dish (LD38)
Fight as an army of white blood cells in a petri dish as cancer tries to invade you. You can move and attack each cell once per turn. Collect items and rank up your cells along the way. Will you beat the cancer in this small world?
Power Savage (LD39)
Grow your storm as you collect water and dodge sun rays. After your storm is big as can be, commit havoc to the city’s power for you are the storm.
Version v0.1.0
Want to make and export amazing spirographs? Select the color of your liking with a fancy color wheel :)
Scorched Earth
Version v0.4.0
This is a work in progress clone of the original Scorched Earth game. Programmed from scratch in Java. The napalms still don't do anything. The lan-party multiplayer is still comming soon too.
Audio Maker
Version v0.0.4
Create and build nearly any sound possible sounds by adding sinwaves. Phase-shifting the sines isn't yet suppported.
1D Simplix Noise
Version v0.0.4
I built this software while building the terrain generation for Scorched Earth. I thought it was neet so I branched off this mini project.
Chat System
Version v0.2.1
This is a chat program (an older version) built with Java Swing and Net. The server must be portforwarded if a WAN is required.
Armored Train Game
Version v0.1.5
A pure java application. This game is based on a true story.
(Made in a hurry)
Renaissance Game
Version v0.1.2
A java.* game. Play as Raphael and fight through the plague in this Renaissance styled platformer.
Ascii Art Generator
Version v0.0.8
A java.* applicaton that converts an image into ascii characters which are written to a text file.
Not user friendly.
Quadratic Formula Calc
Version v0.0.8
Graph and solve quadratics. This will also solve imaginary roots
Swim Tracker
Log your swimming with this app. Graphs your swimming. Save and send stats to your email or cloud storage.